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This application does not constitute the offer/acceptance of the Customer/Bank. The Customer has to read Terms and conditions on opening deposit and applicable ratios of deposits.

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This application does not constitute the offer/acceptance of the Customer/Bank. The Customer has to read Terms and conditions on opening deposit and applicable ratios of deposits.

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Individual Customers

Wakala deposit is a safe and suitable investment

How Wakala deposit works:

  • The Customer entrusts the Bank with the management of its funds;
  • The Bank using its knowledge and experience  invests in carefully selected projects;
  • The profit is distributed between the Customer and the Bank.

Advantages of Wakala deposit:

  • Reliability confirmed by high investment-grade credit ratings of the Group*;
  • High profitability;
  • Investments in projects that comply with the rules and principles of Sharia;

Terms and сonditions of the Wakala deposit:

  • Currency: tenge or US dollars;
  • The minimum amount: KZT 45 000 000 or USD 100 000;
  • Terms of placement: 1, 6, 12, 24 months;
  • ​Profit payment: at the end of term**;
  • Partial withdrawal: not permitted.

Expected profit rates effective from July 1, 2022:

Currency 1 6 12 24
KZT 8% 9% 12% 10%
USD   1% 1.5%  1.5%

*High investment-grade credit rating of ADCB PJSC​: A + from Fitch Ratings and A from Standard and Poor's
**As per term and condition of the Wakala agreement

For opening a Wakala deposit please visit a branch location of the Bank in Almaty, Astana and Shymkent with an identity card.

For further details on the terms and conditions applicable to the Wakala deposit kindly refer to the Agreement, visit a branch location or contact the Contact center of the Bank.




Wakala deposit master agreement for individuals (valid till June 15, 2024)


Shariah Compliance Certificate for Wakala Deposit


Wakala deposit master agreement for individuals (valid from June 16, 2024)
