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Convenient financing solutions for small- and medium-sized businesses in cooperation with Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC

Financing criteria:
•Business must exist for at least three years.
•The business must comply with the definition of small- and medium-sized enterprises according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan (average annual number of employees no more than 250 people, average annual income not exceeding 3 million of minimum calculation index).  The program does not cover the individual entrepreneurs.
•There are no requirements to turnover. The bank will analyze the financial statements of the business and project to decide on financing.
•Any sector of the economy complying with the Sharia rules and principles is subject to financing (see below).
​•The business financed must be profitable within the last three years.

Main conditions:
Financing currency: Kazakhstan tenge
Financing amount: up to 2 billion tenge
Purpose of financing:
•Investment (real estate, equipment, special machines and vehicles)
•Financing of working capital/assets
Term of financing:
•For investment purposes: up to 84 months
​•For financing of working capital/assets: up to 36 months

Final term of financing will be established by the Bank after reviewing the detailed project.
Maximum amount of the financing will be established by the Bank after reviewing the detailed project.
Financing rate will be established by the Bank after reviewing the detailed project.
These terms and conditions of financing are preliminary and may be changed by the Bank unilaterally. This publication is not an offer.

Financing cannot be provided for the following purposes

•Participation in the authorized capital of the legal entities
•Reimbursement of previously incurred expenses, repayment of debts arisen in connection with financial assistance obtained from the individuals and/or the legal entities
•Consumer financing
•Refinancing of existing loans/financing from other financing organizations, except for internal refinancing
•Payment of dividends to the founders
•Recovery of business activity losses
•Payment of attorney's (agency) fee
•Payment of commissions, charges, and/or other payments related to financing
•Purchase of securities (portfolio investments)
•Payment for any agreements/contracts/agreements containing information about the legal address and/or details of the counterparty's bank account registered/opened in the offshore zones
•Acquisition of fixed assets from the affiliated parties
•Payment for transactions with clear signs of fiction or fraudulence in accordance with the civil laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan
•Purposes providing for the production and wholesale trade related to the production and/or trade of tobacco, alcohol, pig products, and ammunition that provide for the production of motor vehicles
•Implementation of projects providing for production or supply of any weapons (including parts for weapons production), drug-containing substances, or any other property removed from civil commerce
•Implementation of projects providing for the organization/development of gambling business
•Implementation of projects providing for the activities related to the terrorist and/or any other activities prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan
•Partial/full conversion of funds into a foreign currency if there is no corresponding contract (agreement) at the date of such conversion/framework agreement/letter of intent to enter into a contract/collateral contract/agreement for the purchase of fixed assets according to the project objective, for the amount of conversion

The financing may not be provided to the following entities

•Businesses, the founders of which are national management holdings, national holdings, national companies and organizations, 50% shares (interests in the authorized capital) or more of which are directly or indirectly owned by the state, a national management holding, a national holding, or a national company
•Noncommercial organizations
•State enterprises, including those based on the right of economic management or being state-owned enterprises
•Unincorporated individual entrepreneurs
•Large business entities according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan
•Businesses that are not private businesses

For further information and consultation, please apply for financing