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Working shedule of the Bank on December 28-29, 2018

Dear Customers!

We kindly inform You, that on December 28 and 29, 2018 the «Al Hilal» Islamic Bank» JSC and its branches will work as per the following schedule:

Acceptance of payment orders for outgoing payments in tenge, applications for transfers in foreign currency, including all documents required for currency control, as well as the acceptance of applications for purchase/sale of foreign currency and opening/early withdrawal of deposits in tenge will be carried out till 16:00, including applications sent via Remote Banking system.   Applications for new opening/early withdrawal of deposits in foreign currency will not be executed by the Bank.

Cash transactions in the Almaty, Astana and Shymkent branches will be carried out till 16:00 hours.

Acceptance of applications for operations on Islamic financing instruments, including trade finance products in tenge will be carried out till 16:00.  Applications for operations on Islamic financing instruments, including trade finance products in foreign currency will not be accepted and executed.

Incoming payments in local and foreign currencies, planned repayments in the framework of Islamic financing and payment of deposits will be processed till December 29, 2018 inclusive.

In the period from December 30, 2018 till January 2, 2019 the Bank will be closed for Customers.

We apologize for any inconveniences caused and hope for Your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

«Al Hilal» Islamic Bank» JSC
